who we are
About Care Delivery
Care Delivery UK is domiciliary care business based in Worthing West Sussex. We cover most of West Sussex and aim to provide high-quality care standards to people who require assistance with their day to day tasks.
Care Delivery UK will work with West Sussex County Council, the National Health Service and private clients. We play an important part of enabling people to stay in their own homes as much as possible and ensuring that clients stay safe and comfortable at all times.
high-quality care standards
we ensure safety at all times
Our mission
Our mission is to provide care services that make a difference to peoples livelihood.
Our vision
Our vision is to be the automatic choice for care clients informed by the difference we make to our to their lives.
Our story
Care Delivery UK is domiciliary care business based in Worthing West Sussex. We cover most of West Sussex and aim to provide high-quality care standards to people who require assistance with their day to day tasks.
What we Do
Our Standards
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) requires assurance from care providers at registration onwards that they can deliver safe, effective, caring, responsive and well- led services. Here is a high level response of how we meet these standards:
Is the care service Effective?
Our service users, and where they give their consent, relatives and others, will be fully involved assessing needs and in the development and reviewing of their care and treatment plans.Where service users have difficulties in engaging in the decisions about their care and giving their consent, we will have clear procedures in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 for assessing their decision-making capacities and for making sure that any decisions taken on someone’s behalf because of these difficulties are recorded as best interest decisions and are agreed as such by all concerned.
Is the care service responsive?
Every service user will have a care plan based on a comprehensive assessment of their needs and requests for a home care service, which includes assessments of risks. The care plans will be drawn up with the full involvement of the person concerned and their representatives.
Is the service safe?
Care Delivery UK has written policies and procedures on keeping people safe
Is the service caring?
When a person first applies for and receives a service from us, we will make sure that we have as much information as possible about them as an individual, including by what name they like to be called. With the person’s consent, we will then brief staff so that they have a basis for developing their understanding and relationship with that person and are in a position to engage in person-centred care. Again, with the person’s consent, we will summarise this personal information in a marked section of their case records.
Is the care service well-led?
Our management approach is in line with our statement of values and purpose.We will have a quality assurance system to meet our registration and commissioning standards and to affect continuous improvements to the service. We will obtain regular feedback about our care from service users, relatives and other stakeholders through informal discussions, regular meetings and annual surveys, which will be staggered for the different audiences over the 12 months so that we are continuously getting feedback from different sources